Ulnar Nerve Treatment Braces


      5 products

      5 products

      Elbow brace for cubital tunnel syndrome treatment immobilizes the elbow at a 122-degree angle and it allows users to easily access any dressing on the elbow.
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      $59.99Regular price $104.99 Sale price
      The cubital tunnel syndrome brace by BraceAbility helps treat ulnar nerve entrapment relieving elbow pain
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      $44.95Regular price $59.99 Sale price
      Elbow immobilizer and stabilizer night splint for arm straightening
      18 Reviews
      $19.99Regular price $34.99 Sale price

      The ulnar nerve is a lengthy one that travels from the neck all the way to the hand, helping one to move the hand and wrist. This nerve is responsible for movement and sensation of the little finger and half the ring finger closest to it. Where it crosses the elbow, it is very close to the surface of the body.

      The nerve can be compressed or pinched at a number of spots—as it leaves the spinal cord, beneath the collarbone, at the elbow or in the wrist. This can cause numbness and/or pain in different areas of the body, depending on the site of the injury. When this occurs, it is known as ulnar nerve entrapment.

      Ulnar Nerve Entrapment Treatment

      The most common place for the ulnar nerve to be compressed or pinched is at the elbow. This is known as cubital tunnel syndrome or neuritis. Ulnar nerve subluxation can be a contributing factor. Ulnar nerve entrapment treatment typically involves avoiding activities that require long periods of time with the elbow bent and keeping the elbow straight when sleeping. An ulnar nerve splint like this cubital tunnel elbow splint can help to this end. See more braces for cubital tunnel syndrome treatment.

      This ulnar nerve compression treatment is BraceAbility’s most popular ulnar splint. The elbow brace for ulnar nerve care is specifically designed to treat cubital tunnel syndrome. It immobilizes and holds the elbow at a 122-degree angle in the interests of ulnar nerve pain treatment and for reducing other symptoms like numbness and tingling. 

      A user-friendly feature of this treatment for ulnar nerve entrapment is that it is machine-washable. Plus the plush, cloth liner of this ulnar nerve elbow brace can be replaced.

      Another, slightly more lightweight option that can help with ulnar neuritis treatment is the Padded Elbow Bursitis & Tendonitis Sleeve. As indicated by the title, this compression support can be used for more than just pinched ulnar nerve treatment. The strong, dual tension material of this ulnar nerve brace along with its special silicone pad and blood-flow-promoting compression sleeve design can also help with bursitis, post-surgical care, and sulcus ulnaris syndrome, to name a few.

      An even lower profile solution for cubital tunnel syndrome is the Epicondylitis Elbow & Forearm Strap with Ulnar Relief. This strap for ulnar nerve injury treatment applies compression to the forearm just below the elbow. The band fits smoothly against the arm and its anatomic design and Velcro-adjusted fit makes it comfortable to wear when one is undergoing ulnar nerve subluxation treatment.  

      Besides avoiding long periods with the elbow bent, treatment for pinched ulnar nerve might also involve taking non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs, receiving a steroid injection or engaging in ulnar nerve treatment exercises to improve nerve gliding. Learn more about elbow injury treatment.

      Ulnar Neuropathy Treatment

      Several of the aforementioned products can help with treatment for ulnar neuropathy. If left untreated, ulnar nerve entrapment can lead to ulnar neuropathy, which is also known as ulnar nerve palsy or ulnar nerve dysfunction. Fracture, dislocation or pressure at the elbow can also lead to this condition.

      Neuropathy refers to damage to the ulnar nerve that destroys one’s nerve covering, slowing or preventing nerve signaling and compromising the function of one’s arm and hand.  Obviously pursuing treatment for ulnar nerve damage is paramount so that these symptoms do not become permanent.

      Ulnar nerve neuropathy treatment focuses on restoring as much hand and arm use as possible. Ulnar nerve palsy treatment might involve the use of medications, receiving a corticosteroid shot, engaging in physical or occupational therapy or wearing an elbow brace for ulnar nerve care.

      Wearing a splint for treatment of ulnar neuropathy can help support the arm so that that it functions better. The Corflex XR Cubital Tunnel Elbow Splint or the Bort KubiTal Padded Elbow Bursitis & Tendonitis Sleeve can both help with ulnar palsy treatment.

      Ulnar Tunnel Syndrome Treatment

      The ulnar nerve can also be compressed as it moves through the wrist, resulting in numbness and tingling in the little finger and the half of the ring finger adjacent to it. This can also lead to weakness of one’s pinch or grip and possibly pain.

      This condition, known as ulnar tunnel syndrome, can be caused by a number of things ranging from a benign soft tissue tumor to chronic pressure on the area (think an avid biker gripping handlebars) to repetitive trauma (a construction worker swinging a heavy tool).

      Compressed ulnar nerve treatment in this case typically involves adjusting the way or position in which one does irritating activities. In some cases adding padding or taking anti-inflammatory medications can help with ulnar-sided wrist pain treatment. 

      A wrist splint can also help with ulnar tunnel syndrome treatment. Consider, for instance, the Rigid Thumb Stabilizer. This ulnar wrist brace stabilizes the thumb and the wrist and provides additional padding. But this supportive wrist orthotic still permits a wide range of motion, including gripping. Check out BraceAbility’s full line of products for hand and wrist injury treatment.

      Ulnar Styloid Fracture Treatment

      The ulnar styloid is the bony part of the outer wrist (near the pinky) at the end of the forearm. Like most bones of the body, it can be fractured, possibly compromising the stability of the wrist and pressuring the ulnar nerve. Often, a styloid fracture is associated with a distal radius fracture.

      In such cases, an ulnar fracture splint, like the Ulnar Fracture Brace can be quite helpful. This support immobilizes the forearm so that the break can heal. Plus it helps with ulnar wrist pain treatment by applying compression. This forearm brace also permits wrist and elbow movement. Besides allowing the fracture to heal, all of this can also help with ulnar nerve impingement treatment.

      Ulnar Impaction Syndrome Treatment

      Another condition that can cause pain in the wrist and limit the motion of one’s forearm and wrist is ulnar impaction syndrome, also known as ulnar abutment syndrome. This degenerative wrist condition is typically caused by congenital structural issues or a previous fracture; in rare instances it can be attributed to excessive, repetitive loading of the wrist.

      Wearing a brace or splint like this wrist orthosis can help when it comes to ulnar abutment syndrome treatment. This support limits flexion and extension while permitting finger movement as part of ulnar nerve pain treatment. Besides helping with existing injuries, the support it provides can protect one against developing carpal tunnel syndrome or other wrist-pain-causing conditions due to repetitive tasks involving the wrist. See more carpal tunnel braces

      This support features an ergonomic, low-profile design and is made of high-impact plastic. It can be used both at night and during the day.

      Post-surgery Ulnar Nerve Splint

      Unfortunately, many of the aforementioned conditions require surgery to repair. In such instances, you might consider using this elbow and forearm post-surgery immobilizer.

      This elbow immobilizer is intended for use following elbow surgery. The long elbow brace extends all the way from your bicep to your hand. For more options, check out BraceAbility’s full line of elbow braces and wrist supports for post-operative use.

      Ulnar Drift Splint

      An ulnar deviation splint ironically is not aimed at ulnar nerve damage treatment. Ulnar drift or ulnar deviation actually refers to a hand deformity where your finger and hands move toward your little finger and ulna. This might be caused by arthritis and is especially common with rheumatoid arthritis. Or if your median nerve is not working as it should, but the ulnar nerve is, the hands and fingers might drift toward the ulna.

      Ulnar deviation splints can help with this. This ulnar drift hand splint, for example, can provide rigid but comfortable support to your wrist and thumb. It can help with treatment for ulnar ligament damage, in addition to discomfort stemming from arthritis. The support is breathable and it can also be used for post-operative care.